
The Training is in the eastern gym of the Fridericanum

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If you come from Nuremberg (from the south):

  • Take the A73. Leave at the departure “Bruck”. Stay on the right side in the direction “Erlangen Süd” (Erlangen South)
  • Follow “Paul Gossen” Street till you come to a croosway. Turn left into the “Nürnberger” Street (Nuremberg Street)
  • Turn directly right into the “Breslauer” Street
  • Turn left into “Hartmann” Street
  • Turn right into “Sebaldus” Street
  • Stay on the Sebaldusstreet until there is a drive on the left side to a parking lot

If you come from Bamberg (from the north):

Same as if you come from Nuremberg.

If you take public transport:

Take the busline 293 to stop Fridericanum

Take the following way on the picture below to come to the entry of the eastern gym:

Sebaldusstraße 37

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